
TwoStore comes packaged with a utility to split an FSBlobStore into two. The purpose of this tool is to allow you to migrate a storage configuration into a new configuration with one of the leaf nodes of your store-tree made into a parent node with the two new FSBlobStores as children. This allows you to insert a TwoStore above them and thus expand your tree.

Execute it with

java -jar target/TwoStore-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

and the following parameters:

-h,--help             Get this help
-l,--left <arg>       Left-hand output BlobStore filepath (required)
-o,--original <arg>   Original (input) BlobStore filepath (required)
-r,--right <arg>      Right-hand output BlobStore filepath (required)

This utility does not write to the original FSBlobStores, so it may be used while a repository is in operation. Of course, switching to the new configuration will require a repository restart.